Workday Training
Learn to use Workday@Goucher your way! We’ve put together a complete training library to deliver Workday training tailored to your needs. Use the categories below to discover what you want to learn, how and when you want to learn it. Bookmark this page for quick access to…
- Step-by-step written Job Aids
- Self-Directed Video Demos and Snippets
- Live training sessions hosted in-person or online (schedules vary)
- Information is also available in our FAQs and Glossary (see links on side panel)
Workday Live Training
Led by Goucher subject matter experts, Workday Live Training sessions (remote or in-person) provide a complete walk-through of tasks on a variety of topics – from getting started to more complex Workday functions and roles. The live format allows users to walk through a series of connected processes while, learning related context such as associated policies or tips for success. To view a schedule or register for live training courses, click the button below.
Live Training Session Recordings:
Workday Essentials for Student Workers (~14 minutes) 3/29/2023
Workday Essentials for Hourly Employees: Payroll, Absence and Time Entry (~32 minutes) 3/29/2023
Workday Essentials for Hourly People Managers and Supervisors: Approving Team Time (~24 minutes ) 3/29/2023
Workday Essentials for Exempt Employees and Their Supervisors (~28 minutes) 4/5/2023
Submitting Job Requisitions in Workday (~30 minutes) 4/26/2023
Managing Job Requisitions and Hiring Staff (~44 minutes) 5/24/2023
Self-Directed Job Aids and Short Videos
Workday Essentials For All Employees
1. Logging in
To login, go to
Enter your username followed by (for example,
Enter your Goucher Password
2. Basic Overview and Navigation - START HERE!
Video Overview
This video is designed for everyone as a first look and orientation to the Workday experience.
Workday Basics: Getting Started (6 minutes)
Job Aids
- Basic Workday Navigation - overview of Workday homepage and basic features
- Navigation, Account Preferences, Apps and Search Tools / Navegación global, preferencias de cuentas, y búsqueda - customize my Workday experience including notifications
- View My Tasks and Notifications - view items that require my attention and take action
- Manage My Business Processes - check the status of my request or cancel an action
- Set up Workday Mobile / Configuar la app móvil de Workday - add the Workday app to my phone or tablet
3. Your Employee Profile and Personal Information
Video Overview
Employee self-service in Workday starts with your profile. This video introduces all employees to the personal information they can view and manage in Workday.
Job Aids
- View Your Employee Profile / Ver mil perfil
- Add/Change Photo / Añada o Cambie su Foto
- Add/Change Home Contact Information / Añada o Cambie su Dirección
- Add/Change Emergency Contacts / Añadir o Cambiar Contacto de Emergencia
- Modify Your Personal Information / Modifique su Información Personal
- Change Your Legal Name / Cambie su Nombre Legal
- Change Your Preferred Name / Cambie su Nombre Preferido
- View Organizational Chart
4. Payroll and Benefits Self-Service
Payroll Self-Service
Video Snippet
Job Aids
- View or Change Tax Elections / Ver o cambiar opciones de impuestos
- View W-2 / Ver W-2
- View Payslips / Ver la nomina
- Manage Payment Elections / Opciones de Pago
Benefits Self-Service
Job Aids
Time, Leave, and Absences
Entering Time Worked (Hourly and Union Staff)
Union Staff: Clocking In/Out On A Timeclock
Job Aids
Non-Union Non-Exempt Staff & Student Workers: Entering Hourly Time Worked
Job Aids
Leave & Absences Self Service for Staff and Student Workers
Job Aids
- Request/Cancel/Correct an Absence for Staff - request time off for myself (vacation, sick, jury duty, bereavement, etc.)
- Request/Cancel/Correct an Absence for Student Workers - request time off for myself (Maryland Sick Leave)
- View Absence Balance - view my available vacation, sick and community service leave hours
- Enter/Request Intermittent Leave/FMLA - request FMLA leave and paid time off for qualifying circumstances
Working With Money In Workday (All Employees As Needed)
Financial Tasks Overview
Job Aids
- Financial Tasks Overview Sheet - view a list of common financial tasks and their related instructions, forms, and
support information, all in one place
[Open in browser]
[Download as Excel File]
Purchasing and Procurement
Video Snippets
- Create Requisition - Amazon Punchout demo
- Create Requisition - Supplier Quote demo
- Create Receipt demo
- Create Expense Report - Credit Card Reconciliation demo
- Create Supplier Request demo
- Create Supplier Invoice Request demo
Job Aids
- Create Requisition - Amazon Punchout
- Create Requisition - Supplier Quote - create a Purchase Order from a supplier/vendor quote
- Create Receipt - request a Purchase Order payment when goods/services are received
- Create Expense Report - Credit Card Reconciliation - reconcile/code purchase card transactions
- Create Supplier Request - add a new supplier/vendor to Workday, including contractors under PSA agreements
- Create Supplier Invoice Request - submit an invoice for payment without a Purchase Order, or request payment for any non-employee, including student awards/reimbursements and contractors under PSA agreements
Handling Expenses
Job Aids
- Create Spend Authorization - get advanced approval for travel related expenses and cash advance requests
- Create Non P-Card Expense Report - get reimbursed for non-purchase card, out-of-pocket business expenses, such as mileage
- Coding Accidental Credit Card Expenses - reconcile personal expenses accidentally charged to the Goucher credit card
- Set Up Voluntary Payroll Deductions - set up one-time or ongoing payroll deductions for a reimbursement to the College, a donation to the Goucher Fund, or as a credit to a student billing account
- Create Expense Report (Workday Mobile)
Workday for Special Roles: Financial Oversight
Workday for Cost Center Managers
Job Aids
- Understanding the Cost Center Manager Role - view summary of Cost Center Manager tasks and responsibilities
Financial Review and Reporting
Job Aids
- Create Budget Amendment (For Division Budget Specialists Only) - transfer budgeted funds or change existing budget
- Running Adaptive Reports - run budget reports in Adaptive
- Budget Report Library - a list of available budget reports with descriptions and details
Workday for Purchase and Expense Approvers
Video Snippets
Job Aids
- Approve Purchase Requisitions - give approval to create Purchase order
- Review and Approve Expenses and Spend Authorization - give approval to pay expenses not on a Purchase Order
- Approve Supplier Invoice - give approval to pay an invoice
- Manage Delegations - delegate own approvals to another employee or complete approvals delegated to you
Workday for Special Roles: People Managers and Supervisors (Manage My Team and Hiring)
Managing Team Time, Pay & Paid Leave
Job Aids
- Approve and Manage Hourly Team Time - review and approve/reject timesheets for non-exempt direct reports
- Manage Team Absence - approve, deny, and manage time off requests submitted by your direct reports; submit time off requests on behalf of a direct report
- Manage Delegations - delegate approvals to another employee or complete approvals delegated to you
- Manage FMLA Leave for Direct Reports - request FMLA leave (continuous and intermittent) and paid time off on behalf of a direct report; temporarily reassign business processes for direct reports on continuous leave
- Manage Period Activity Pay Assignments - create pay events for adjunct faculty, faculty committee work, and class overages, as well as payments for interns, graduate assistants, and residential life assistants
Managing Staff Hiring and Job Changes
Job Aids
- Create Job Requisition - create job requisition needed to post a job to hire full-time or part-time regular or temporary staff
- Manage Job Requisitions for Staff Positions - manage existing job requisitions and hire staff
- Manage Employee Job Changes - initiate a transfer, promotion, or job change for a direct report
- Goucher College Compensation Grades- view list of compensation grades to select during the hiring process
- End Jobs - end a job, end more than one position or terminate a direct report
Managing Faculty Hiring and Job Changes
Job Aids
- Create Job Requisition - create job requisition needed to post a job to hire full-time tenure and non-tenure track faculty
- Goucher College Compensation Grades - view list of compensation grades to select during the hiring process
- Add Academic Appointment - add an academic appointment for a faculty member, including rank and tenure status
- Manage Employee Job Changes - initiate a transfer, promotion, or job change for a direct report
- End Jobs - end a job, end more than one position or terminate a direct report
Managing Person of Interest Hiring and Job Changes (Volunteers, Contractors, Etc.)
Job Aid
- Contract and End Person of Interest - contract a person of interest (volunteer or contractor) who needs access to Goucher's campus, and/or systems, or end the contract for a person of interest