Dual Degree
Students who would like a broader knowledge base can apply to the low-residency dual-degree programs with the initial application, or at any time before graduation. Dual-degree students typically take an extra year of course work and finish with two master's degrees. By coordinating classes across programs, students can maximize their education and credentials while minimizing the cost and time in school. In this dual degree option, classes are drawn from across both curricula so students can develop their skills in two domains. Students also complete a capstone project or thesis, which is the culmination of a student's work and draws from topics shared in both programs.
Dual Master's Coursework Requirements
The M.A./M.A. and M.F.A./M.A. dual degrees can be combined in a variety of ways. To earn an M.A./M.A. or M.F.A/M.A. dual degree, students must take the courses identified below as required for each program, and complete an additional number of elective credits resulting in a total of 66 credits.
Some programs have a shared Capstone requirement or management core requirements. For an M.F.A.-M.F.A. dual degree the total required credits is 90 with required courses in both programs. Students interested in this option should meet with the relevant program directors in Nonfiction and Digital Arts to outline an appropriate academic plan.
M.A. in Arts Administration
Principles of Arts Administration (3)
Writing and Research Methods for the Arts Administration (3)
Leadership and Strategic Thinking (3)
Financial Management for the Arts (3)
Marketing the Arts (3)
Developing Financial Resources (3)
Law and the Arts (3)
Public Policy for the Arts (3)
International Arts Policy (3)
Grantsmanship (1)
Other Requirements:
Major Paper, Thesis, Manuscript or Capstone integrating both curricula (6)
M.A. in Cultural Sustainability
Introduction to Cultural Sustainability (3)
Introduction to Cultural Documentation (3)
Intro to Cultural Documentation-Field Lab (1.5)
Cultural Partnership (3)
Cultural Policy (3)
Arts and Social Change (3)
Ethnographic Methodologies (1.5)
Other Requirements:
Management Classes (9)
Major Paper, Thesis, Manuscript or Capstone integrating both curricula (6)
M.A. in Digital Arts
DA 520. Methods and Data Structure (3)
DA 610. Media on the Internet (3)
DA 615. Digital Media Programming (3)
PMGT 605. Digital Ethics and Intellectual Proprty (3)
Other Requirements:
Management Classes (6)
Major Paper, Thesis, Manuscript or Capstone integrating both curricula (6)
M.F.A. in Digital Arts
DA 600. History of Multimedia Art (3)
PMGT 605. Digital Ethics and Intellectual Property(3)
DA 673A/B. Studio (8)
DA 674A/B. Seminar (6)
DA 681. Thesis (3)
DA 690 (3)
Foundation Courses (minimum 12 credits)
DA 610. Media on the Internet (3)
DA 615. Digital Media Programming (3)
DA 510. Audio Techniques (5)
DA 655. 3D Modeling (3)
DA 650. 2D Design for Print and Web (3)
DA 560. Camera Techniques (1.5)
Other Requirements:
Management Classes (6)
Major Paper, Thesis, Manuscript or Capstone integrating both curricula (6)
M.A. In Historic Preservation
HP 601. Introduction PT I. Fundamental Concepts in Heritage Preservation (3)
HP 602. Introduction PT II. Policy and Practice in American Historic Preservation
HP 614. American Architecture and Building (3)
HP 631. Historic Property Documentation (3)
HP 633. Cultural Landscape Theory (3)
HP 637. Research Seminar (1)
HP 638. Thesis Proposal (2)
HP 641. Thesis (4.5)
Other Requirements:
Major Paper, Thesis, Manuscript or Capstone integrating both curricula (6)
M.F.A. in Nonfiction
Mentorship I (4)
Workshop I: Creative Writing (4)
Mentorship II (4)
Workshop II: Manuscript: Beginning (4)
Mentorship III (4)
Workshop III: Manuscript: Work in Progress (4)
Mentorship IV (4)
Workshop IV: Final Manuscript (6)
2 x Residency (3)
Other Requirements:
Major Paper, Thesis, Manuscript or Capstone integrating both curricula (6)