Course Descriptions

We are no longer accepting new applications for the Bachelor of Professional Studies program.

Within the BPS program, students will complete 30 core credits, and 30 credits related to their respective major.

Core Courses

Introduction to Professional Studies.
This core BPS course introduces students to the professional environment, the skills and attributes that are required for success in that environment, and interpersonal, organizational, and professional framework that each leader must navigate (3 cr.)

Digital and Professional Communication.
This course provides the profession with knowledge of the importance of communication in the workplace; with skills in digital, written, oral, and interpersonal communication; and with the ability to apply those skills to successfully accomplish the work of the organization (3 cr.)

Critical Thinking, Research, & Presentation
The ability to analyze problems, to conduct and use research for decision-making, and to share those decisions with others in the organization are all important in the career success of the professional. This course emphasizes the process of collecting, analyzing, and using information to document and solve a problem or challenge in the workplace (3).

Technology for Information-Based Organizations
Technology is a critical component for any organization or business. This course focuses on network technology, common professional software programs, technology requirements and supports, and information management in the workplace (3 cr.).

Ethics in Professional Life
This course provides a broad overview of ethical behavior in professional life, and addresses corporate culture and expectations, workplace behavior and interpersonal interactions, and parameters for ethical decision-making (3 cr.).

The Legal Environment
Positive work environments, mutual respect, appropriate behavior, and compliance/regulations are all factors that influence life at work and within any organization. The Legal Environment is a survey course that addresses legal requirements for managers, workers, and clients; codes, regulations, and laws; and processes to maintain a safe and productive work culture that is safe and responsive for all staff and employees (3 cr.).

Leadership in the Workplace
This course explores the role of the leader at work, covers the different leadership styles, and encourages students to identify and actively use their own leadership style. Hands-on opportunities for leadership will be available throughout the course (3 cr).

Human Diversity in Social Contexts.
Diversity is one of the highlights of life in American society, and this course provides opportunities for students to read about, discuss, analyze, and write about the ways in which diversity enhances, but also challenges, the workplace. Application of theory to practice is a main focus for this course (3 cr.).

Public Advocacy and Negotiation.
This course addresses ways in which the professional in the workplace can advocate for key constituent groups, and negotiate a pathway to consensus even in the most challenging situations. Tools such as arbitration, mediation, facilitation, and presentation will be covered in this course as students learn the basic tenets and applications of these key skills (3 cr.).

The Professional Internship.
The BPS Internship is a capstone for the BPS degree, occurring at the end of the student’s course of study, and requiring hands on application of key theories and practices learned through the degree. May be completed in the student’s current place of employment, if appropriate (150 hours, 3 cr.).

Health Services Management Courses

Introduction to Health Services Management
This course introduces the student to the concepts, theories, and practice of Health Services Management, using a combination of readings, multimedia, activities and assignments, and practical applications. (3 cr)

Legal and Ethical Decision-Making in Health Services.
This course builds on the BPS course The Legal Environment, while taking a more focused look at the implications of legal and ethical decision-making in a health services environment. (3 cr.)

Health Informatics and Data Management.
Client records, confidentiality, and use/management of large data sets are key topics in this course, which emphasizes the collection, manipulation, analysis, and application of data and knowledge in the health services sector (3 cr.).

Technology for the Health Services Industry
This is a course that brings together for the student theories and concepts on using technology to communicate, manage resources, disseminate information, collect information, analyze information, and use information through the use of technology in the health services workplace (3 cr.).

Management of Health Services.
The management of health services involves the organization, structuring, and operation of disparate client and provider-based services into a coherent organization that functions with the highest level of customer service, the greatest efficiency, and a cost-effective approach management in support of the successful delivery of services (3 cr.)

Compliance, Quality, and Customer Service.
Focusing on the provision of excellent customer service, this course emphasizes benchmarks, standards, evaluation, assessment, and the use of data to make and sustain improvements (3 cr.).

Budget and Finance in Health Services Management.
This course addresses the components of sound budget and finance management in the health services industry, incorporating accounting practice, budgeting, bookkeeping, and investing strategies (3 cr.).

Grant Writing, Fund Raising, and Philanthropy.
Many health services organizations and non-profits rely heavily on their ability to secure external funding such as grants, fundraising dollars, and philanthropy. This course looks at the unique requirements of each, and presents an organized blueprint for immediate implementation (3 cr.).

Human Resource Management in Health Services.
The health services sector is growing significantly faster than the rest of industry in the United States, and globally, and the ability to provide services to clients is dependent on the employees within that organization. This course explores the topic of human resources management within the health services sector (3 cr.).

Organizational Development and Behavior
Every organization, corporation, business, or unit has a distinct culture, set of accepted norms, and a standardized operating procedure. This course reviews major theories in organizational development and behavior, and encourages the student to apply those theories in a workplace setting (3 cr.).

Strategic Planning for the Health Services Industry.
All successful organizations plan for the future, and companies within the Health Services Industry should be no different. This course reviews components of the strategic planning process, and allows students to develop their own plan (3 cr.).