Get Involved & Learn More
There are various ways to become more involved, on both personal and organizational levels, impacting not only the Goucher community, but also on an international scale.
- Environmental Resources has a green guide, job listings, internship resources, and ways to obtain funding for environmentally conscious projects.
- Co-Curricular Opportunities includes information on campus groups working to make change. Different groups focus on sustainable agriculture on-campus, housing designed to encourage green living, and helping the campus reduce its greenhouse gas emissions.
- Learn More has resources for environmental news, programs, organizations, and government agencies.
Environmental Resources
Job Listings
Click here for environmental career web sites recommended by the Career Education Office.
Internship Resources
Greenpeace interns perform a variety of tasks, depending on location, year, and interests
surrounding environmental protection-- these include student networking, action units,
grassroots organizing, oceans, forests, IT, and fundraising. Internships take place
in San Francisco, Chicago, New York and Washington D.C.
ECO Jobs
The Environmental Career Opportunities (ECO) site has extensive lists of jobs and
internships available in environmental studies. Search by state or by date posted.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
This government office offers fellowships, scholarships, internships, and additional
programs in Washington, D.C. and other national locations.
Smithsonian Environmental Research Center
The Smithsonian program offers opportunities to conduct terrestrial, atmospheric,
and estuarine environmental research within the disciplines of ecology, biology, chemistry,
microbiology, botany, zoology, mathematics, and physics. Projects are also offered
in environmental education and environmental information management.
Orion Grassroots Network
Search "green" jobs and internships by state or internationally through this grassroots
Sustainable Business "Green" Jobs
This sustainable-only job bank lists both internship and volunteer opportunities as
well as full- and part-time jobs.
Baltimore Green Works
In addition to planning an annual Green Week, this nonprofit organizes free and low-cost
events year-round, such as the Ecoball and Sustainable Speaker series. Interns help
the organization, which has only one full-time staff member, with daily operations
for their environmental endeavors.
Marshy Point Nature Center
This 500-acre nature reserve in Baltimore County seeks interns to assist with programming,
event planning, and exhibits. Students should be interested in the outdoors/natural
sciences and have solid communication skills.
Maryland Conservation/Maryland League of Conservation Voters
One of the state's leading advocacy organizations, this organization works to pass
pro-conservation laws at the state level and engage voters about conservation issues
year-round. They are looking for interns to work on the Southern Maryland Global Warming
Campaign, the Baltimore County Connections Project, web communications, and political/legislative
The Nature Conservancy
This international conservation group works in all 50 states as well as 30 nations.
Internships can be found online on a state-by-state basis.
National Wildlife Federation EcoLeaders
The EcoLeaders program works with colleges and universities to protect wildlife and
habitat, and improve campuses’ overall green educational programming and onsite sustainability.
Funding Resources
The Garden Club of America
The Garden Club of America offers a wide range of excellent scholarships, fellowships,
and internships for undergraduate and graduate students. The fellowships range from
urban forestry and ecological restoration to medicinal botany and garden history and
design. Scholarships include a variety of study topics throughout the year. For more
information and application deadlines click here.
Goucher College Green Fund
The Goucher College Green Fund is a tool for accessing financial support for sustainability
oriented projects on campus and in the community. The Green Fund is supported by student
fees, and any member of the student body is eligible to apply for these funds.
A central storehouse for information on more than 1,000 grant programs from 26 federal
agencies, providing access to about $500 billion in annual awards.
P3: People, Prosperity and the Planet Student Design Competition for Sustainability
An annual, national competition that enables college students to research, develop,
and design scientific, technical, and policy solutions to sustainability challenges.
Environmental Grantmakers Association
A coalition of more than 225 grant-providing groups. The Resource section includes
a list of links for grant seekers, from professional associations to nonprofit organizations.
Chesapeake Bay Funders Network
The Chesapeake Bay Trust Mini Grant Program awards up to $5,000 to support activities
at schools and non-profit organizations that help promote awareness of and participation
in the restoration and protection of the Chesapeake Bay and its tributary rivers and
Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency (DSIRE)
A comprehensive source of information on state, local, utility, and federal incentives
that promote renewable energy and energy efficiency.
The Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program
A USDA competitive grants program offered to eligible farmers, researchers, educators,
and others in the agricultural community who are working on innovative approaches
to sustainable agriculture.
AASHE Student Research on Campus Sustainability Award
Sponsored by the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education,
this award recognizes outstanding student research that advances the field of campus
The Kresge Foundation
A $3.1 billion private, national foundation that seeks to influence the quality of
life for future generations through support of nonprofit organizations in six fields
of interest: health, the environment, community development, arts and culture, education, and human services.
Co-Curricular Opportunities
Campus Agriculture Co-Op
The Campus Agricultural Co-op is devoted to making a sustainable agricultural cycle on campus. We grow food in the garden located behind Welsh Hall and sell it to Bon Appétit, Goucher's food management company, to be served in the dining halls. We also compost some of the pre-consumer waste from the kitchens in Heubeck and Stimson dining halls at a location on campus. Some of the compost is used in the co-op's garden, and the rest is sold. The money we make from selling produce and compost is used to buy seeds for future seasons. In the past two years we have also expanded and fenced in the garden and constructed a shed. To construct the shed, we flew in an expert from California to teaching us how to build with natural materials such as cobb, a material made of equal parts sand, clay, and straw. For more information on the Campus Agriculture Co-op, contact student leader Rachel Brannock at The Campus Agriculture Co-op advisor is biology assistant professor Cynthia Kicklighter.
Eco-team's mission is to help the campus reduce its greenhouse gas emissions through the use of renewable energy; energy-efficient appliances; and better sustainable practices, such as recycling, making environmentally friendly lifestyle choices, and purchasing sustainable foods. The club also focuses on educating the student body about climate issues both on campus and in the greater community and motivating them to act. For more information on Eco-team, contact student leader Kat Elicker at
Office of Community-based Learning
Community-based learning is a way for students to actively connect their academic work with direct experience in the community. By combining hands-on work in the community with the academic framework provided by the curriculum, students gain a rich experience of social issues. Students learn about the workings of community; encounter differences related to race, class, and privilege; gain a deeper understanding about social justice; and are able to do work that is beneficial to others. They also gain a greater understanding of themselves.
Learn More
Environmental Media/News
BuildingGreen and Environmental Building News
Environment Programs/Challenges
Baltimore Green Week
Powershift Network
Earth Day Network
Eat Local Challenge
Monterey Bay Aquarium: Seafood Watch Program - A Consumer's Guide to Sustainable Seafood
Environmental Organizations
American College and University Presidents Climate Commitment (ACUPCC)
Anacostia Watershed Society of Washington DC & Maryland
Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE)
Audubon Naturalist Society
Chesapeake Bay Foundation
Chesapeake Climate Action Network
Chesapeake Sustainable Business Council
Clean Water Action
Earth Share
Environment Maryland
Greenpeace Student Network
International Environmental Data Rescue Organization
League of Conservation Voters
Maryland PIRG
National Resources Defense Council
National Wildlife Federation's Campus Ecology Program
Sierra Club
Young Sierrans
The Forest Stewardship Council
The Nature Conservancy
Wildlife Habitat Council
World Watch Institute
World Wildlife Fund
Government Agencies
Bureau of Land Management
Environmental Protection Agency
Maryland Commission on Climate Change
Maryland Department of the Environment
Maryland Department of Natural Resources
Maryland Sea Grant
Parks and People: The Foundation for Baltimore Recreation and Parks
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
U.S. Geological Survey