Goucher Micro-Internships

Goucher Micro-Internships are paid, short-term, professional projects, which are completed remotely during winter break.  These projects will be hosted and mentored by Goucher alumnae/i and community members.  These experiences are just for Goucher students.

These project-based micro-internships offer students an opportunity to gain career-related work experience, demonstrate skills and explore career options, as well as build their professional network. Students completing micro-Internships will receive micro-awards of $675 for a 45-hour project and $375 for a 25-hour project, as funding permits. The Career Education Office appreciates our generous donors who make this funding possible.

Goucher Micro-internships are part of the Internship Accelerator, a program to offer every Goucher student transformative learning experiences by providing a structured, scaffolded approach to internships.  Micro-internships are introductory professional experiences for which first years and and sophomores are especially encouraged to apply.

The Micro-Internships program is a joint effort between the Office of Alumnae/i Affairs and the Career Education Office.

Most of the information on this page is for the January 2024 program.  An update for the January 2025 program will be available in August 2024.


  • October 14, 2024: Deadline for hosts to submit Micro-Internship Host Sign Up Form.  If you're not ready to submit a proposal yet, complete this interest form and we'll follow-up with you later in the fall. Please email the Office of Alumnae/I Engagement at alumni@goucher.edu with any questions about the program.
  • late-October:  Projects posted in Handshake.  Students need to have a resume uploaded and approved, prior to applying. Learn more here.
  • Mid-November: Deadline for students to apply in Handshake to projects of interest
  • Early-December: Career Education Office notifies students of their project and makes a virtual introduction to the host.  No offers will be sent directly from a host.
  • early- January 2025: Host and student connect and student starts Goucher Micro-internship
  • late-January 2025: Deadline for students to complete Micro-Internship projects 

Goucher Alumnae/i and Community Hosts

Thank you for your support of Goucher undergraduates by hosting a virtual micro-Internships. Goucher students have skills that can support projects at any organization with which you are affiliated. They will benefit from the opportunity to gain experience. 

A sample of previous Goucher Micro-Internships projects:

  • Research to find institutional and individual funding sources for an arts non-profit
  • Develop strategy to grow social media following of a small business
  • Provide administrative support to virtual volunteering event for a community service organization
  • Assist with basic candidate review and schedule interviews for a higher education institution
  • Develop list of resources and information to support families for a health care system
  • Update marketing collateral for non-profit focused on litter prevention, waste reduction, and environmental beautification 
  • Develop course curriculum for critical thinking skills offered by a literacy non-profit

Other ideas for remote projects:

  • Edit a book/article/newsletter 
  • Conduct market research
  • Analyze data 
  • Create a PowerPoint
  • Research to support a business plan
  • Write technical documentation 

How does it work? 

  • Identify a project that can be completed remotely in January 2025.
  • Consider the type of training, supervision and support you can give during that same period. Please see this handout for tips on supporting a virtual micro-intern. 
  • Submit your micro-internship project here by October 14, 2024. 
  • You will receive resumes for those students interested in your project shortly after the application deadline in mid-November 2024.
  • The CEO will notify students of their projects.

Other than your time for supervision and mentoring, there is no cost to the alumnae/i or community hosts. Through the generosity of donors, the Career Education Office is offering a $675 micro-grant to each student who completes a 45-hour remote project and $375 for a 25-hour project. Please note that the number of projects within the scope of Goucher Micro-Internships is limited by available funding and a micro-intern is not guaranteed.

If you have a project beyond the scope of the Goucher Micro-Internships program, please visit our Employer page and post a traditional internship in Handshake.

Please email the Office of Alumnae/I Engagement at alumni@goucher.edu with any questions about the program.


Apply for micro-internships!

  • What: Goucher Micro-internships, short-term, paid, professional projects completed remotely during winter break
  • Why: Gain career-related experience, develop skills, learn career knowledge, and grow your professional network
  • Who: Be mentored by Goucher alumnae/i and community members who are hosting projects just for Goucher students
  • When:  Projects completed during Winter Break – January 3-26, 2024
  • How Much:  Earn $675 for a 45-hour project or $375 for a 25-hour project
  • How to Apply:  All projects will be posted in Handshake by October 25th and you'll have until November 13, 2023 to apply.


  • Must be able to complete a 45- or 25-hour project during January 2024
    • Be thoughtful about your time and only apply to those projects you are sure you can complete during the four weeks of January
    • While you may apply for multiple projects, you will only be offered to complete one micro-internship
    • If you are enrolled in a J-term course, you will only be allowed to complete a 25-hour micro-internship
  • Must be a current undergraduate student at Goucher
    • Priority given to Sophomores (Class of 2026)
  • Students may participate up to two times, with preference given to first time applicants 


  • All micro-internship will be posted by October 25, 2023 in Handshake.  You can find them by searching Handshake Jobs for “Goucher micro-internship.” 
    • Every student has a Handshake account that you access with your Goucher credentials.
  • Upload your resume in My Documents on your Handshake account.  Learn more here.
  • Apply to as many as you’d like by November 13. Students will only be offered one micro-internship to complete.
  • The CEO will notify students if they are matched to a micro-internship project and will make a virtual introduction to the host, no later than Friday, December 8.  Host cannot make offers to students and any offers received directly from the host will be void. 

Due to the intensive nature and time overlap of J-term experiences, students enrolled in a J-term course will only be allowed to complete a 25-hour micro-internships.

Micro-internships that are 45-hours meet the hour requirement to register for academic credit. Students completing projects of this length may choose to register for an internship course for one credit.  There is a per-credit fee to register for academic credit for internships during winter break.  See the part-time undergraduate section of this page. 

Please email career@goucher.edu with any questions about the program.