Friends of Art

Art and Goucher College have a history dating back to the college’s inception. The Friends of Art, the newest chapter in this history, is a philanthropic organization of alumnae/i, students, faculty, staff, and friends of Goucher College, which promotes and supports the exploration and appreciation of the visual arts on campus through the art collection and galleries.

Gifts directed to the Goucher College Art Collection would benefit both current students and the greater Goucher community, and will support the acquisition, preservation, exhibition and presentation of the college’s art collection. The Goucher College Art Galleries’ mission is to present exhibitions that serve the educational objectives the college's curriculum, by connecting art to other forms of human inquiry. Gifts directed to the Art Galleries would enable the college to mount more prestigious exhibitions, thereby garnering more recognition of our galleries and the college as a whole.


About the Art Collection

The Art Collection at Goucher dates to the founding of the college in 1885, when Dr. John Franklin Goucher donated pieces from his personal collection for the benefit of students. The purpose of the collection, which now numbers over 2,000 pieces, has always been two-fold: to adorn college buildings and grounds with art, and to serve as a teaching tool. To that end, there are outdoor sculptures and other works of art around campus with informative signs, and professors can request pieces for their classes. Goucher has purchased some items over the years, but the majority of pieces were gifts from alumnae/i and other generous donors. The college is actively seeking art that would benefit both current students and the greater Goucher community. Gifts directed to the Goucher College Art Collection will go to support the acquisition, preservation, exhibition and presentation of the college’s art collection.

The Art Collection is supported in its work by a Board Trustee-led committee. Current members of the committee include: Kimara Anhert ’91, Mary Hyman ’71, Ruby Lerner ’70, Doreen Bolger, Kimberly Bowen, April Oettinger, Matthew McConville, Amy Bloomberg M.Ed. ‘15, Sonja Sugerman, and Barbara Stob.

Please visit the Goucher Art Collection site for more information.

About the Art Galleries

The mission of the Goucher College Art Galleries is to present exhibitions which serve the educational objectives of the college's curriculum by connecting art to other forms of human inquiry.

The Rosenberg Gallery presents solo exhibitions that showcase two-dimensional works more formal in nature, focusing on process and/or aesthetics, while the Silber Art Gallery presents thematic group exhibitions that explore relevant social and cultural concerns. Each exhibition is augmented by various forms of outreach, including free color catalogues and an artist talk with Q&A, which take place during opening receptions. All exhibitions, including opening receptions, are free, open to the public, and accessible to everyone. Gifts to the Art Galleries would enable the college to mount more prestigious exhibitions, thereby providing more local, regional, national, and international recognition of the Art Galleries and Goucher College.

Visit the Art Galleries page to view current galleries.