Mindfulness, Prayer, Contemplation, & Stress Management

It can be easy in college (or as a working professional) to neglect the inner self or the life of the spirit. Busy-ness, homesickness, overwork, familial obligations--the list goes on and on. Fortunately, there are many resources at Goucher to help students, staff, and faculty attend to their inner lives and/or to cope with stress.

Sacred Spaces on Campus

  • The Chapel: Haebler Memorial Chapel is open during the day, many evenings, and on weekends. The main Chapel is available for prayer, meditation, sitting in silence, contemplation.
  • Multifaith Prayer and Meditation Space: Bacon Room 104:  This space is designed for students seeking a quiet place to meditate and/or pray. The space is supplied with Muslim prayer rugs, Qur'an and scarves; Buddhist meditation cushions and benches; a Hindu idol; Unitarian-Universalist chalice and hymnal; Jewish prayer books and havdalah spice box; crystals and plants for wiccan and pagan observances; Christian Bibles and prayer books; and more.
  • Labyrinth: our outdoor labyrinth is always available for walking meditation or mindfulness.
  • Meditation space at ACE: The Academic Center for Excellence (Julia Rogers 2nd floor) has a meditation space available for student use; a sign up sheet is provided.
  • Please contact Rev. Maeba Jonas (Chaplain@goucher.edu) with questions about space on campus or for requests.


Starting a Mindfulness Practice 

Chaplain Maeba leads a 4-part mindfulness and meditation class each semester to help students who are interested in learning about meditation. In this series, students are exposed to 10 different versions of meditation and mindfulness techniques. Check out the Events page to register. 


Yoga for the Soul

Join a new group for mindful reflection, self-care strategies and gentle movement. Chaplain Maeba Jonas and Counselor Sylvia Doud are excited to welcome you to this new and meaningful experience. In this 6-part Series, you will learn mindfulness techniques, self-care strategies and explore gentle yoga movement as well as breathwork and other mind/body practices. Registration coming soon!


Pastoral Support 

The staff who work in Religious and Spiritual Life are all available for conversation and support.

  • Rev. Maeba Jonas, Chaplain of the College meets is a confidentail resource to students, facutly, and staff. Her office is located in the basement of the Chapel. Stop by, email her at chaplain@goucher.edu, or call her at 410-337-6048.
  • Rabbi Josh Snyder: Director, Goucher Hillel, 410-337-6404 or josh.snyder@goucher.edu
  • Natalie Guajardo:  Staff, Goucher Christian Fellowship, natalie.guajarod@intervarsity.org


Student Counseling Center & Student Health Center

Goucher has many resources for wellness in body and mind.  The Goucher Counseling Center offers short-term counseling, couples counseling, support gropus, consultation, and external referrals.  The Student Health Center provides medical care; in addition, there are complementary medicine offerings, including acupuncture.


Virtual Resources

Through a simple search, you can find many online resources for guided meditation (visual and non-visual), learning to meditate and more. Here are a few sites to try. Please share if you find other sites you think would helpful to others in the Goucher Community.