The M.A.A.A. Program
What is arts administration?
Arts administration refers to the management of arts organizations of all kinds. Arts administrators most often work in the nonprofit sector, for producing and presenting groups, for arts councils, and for museums, but can also be found in for-profit organizations, for example working in artist management, in the music industry, and running art galleries.
What is the difference between arts administration and arts management?
There is essentially no difference between arts administration and arts management and the two terms are often used interchangeably.
Why study arts administration?
As more and more arts organizations recognize the value of the highly specialized training that people with degrees in arts administration receive, these employers are increasingly seeking out candidates with masters' level training for key staff positions.
What will I learn?
Goucher's M.A.A.A. program emphasizes the role of the arts in the community, and the contribution the arts make to society. The core curriculum covers all key fields of arts administration, including strategic planning, marketing, development, financial management, and law and the arts.
What kinds of jobs do M.A.A.A. students and graduates have?
Graduates of the program work in both the nonprofit and for-profit sectors in all fields of the arts, and in all regions of the country. Just a few positions held by our graduates: executive directors of performing groups or community arts councils, facility managers, directors of development or marketing, and education coordinators.