You Know You Went To Goucher If...
Part of alumnae/i weekend is celebrating our shared past. Here are some memories Goucher graduates know to be true. You know you went to Goucher if...
- You had Rhoda Dorsey as your dorm "Mom."
- You remember walking through the woods to shop at Hutzler's.
- You have used the phrase “Man on the Hall”
- You ever faced Miss Hull to get permission to go away for the weekend
- You ever cringed at having a "Posture Picture" taken
- You learned how to change the oil in your car in Dr. Houseman's "Nuts & Bolts" January minicourse
- You know what an MPU is
2000 and after
- You can recall the exact smell that wafted off your clothes after a trip to Stimmy
- You got to pet horses between classes
- You can think of several different ways to modify a nerf gun
- You think it’s weird when one of your friends did NOT study abroad
- You yelled at your friends when they didn't recycle their empty alcohol bottles
- Your college President knew you by name
And finally,
- You got the best education possible!