January 16, 2018

Introducing the AAGC Digest

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Hello, I’m Kara Byrne Bundy, proud Goucher graduate of the Class of 2002! As president of the AAGC, I am honored to introduce you to the AAGC Digest, a communications piece just for us, the alumnae and alumni of Goucher College, to quickly and easily catch up with all things Goucher. In this and in future issues, you will learn how to reconnect, how fellow alumnae/i are making the world a better place, and even how Goucher has changed and how it has stayed the same.

Much of life at Goucher has changed! Students no longer check mailboxes but instead eagerly await package notifications via text or email. Julia Rogers is full of classrooms and offices rather than stacks of reference books. Students download textbooks from their dorms instead of standing in long lines in the bookstore.

And yet… my first-year dorm room in Froelicher Hall still stands even though it has been moved to the other side of the loop road. Despite how much has changed since the days we walked Van Meter Highway or sat down for a meal in Stimson, Goucher is still the same special place we alumnae/i remember so fondly. Students still stay up into the wee hours of night debating. They call their professors by their first names. They sell baked goods to support their favorite clubs. They spend their spare time working to address real societal issues. They are every bit as enamored of our beautiful tree-lined campus as we were when we were here.

I encourage you to come to campus to talk with these students. Share your Goucher stories with them and listen to theirs. I guarantee you will find something in common. For starters, I hope you will read this issue, and consider getting involved.  As you will see, there is much to do. Join us!

Yours in Service,

Kara Byrne Bundy ’02
President, Alumnae & Alumni of Goucher College