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- March 23, 2018
The Baltimore Sun media critic and Goucher communication and media studies assistant professor wins Penn State's annual Bart Richards Award for Media Criticism.
- March 15, 2018
Through interviews with current and former leaders and followers of radical Islamist groups in Indonesia, Hwang's book examines why terrorists decide to leave their organizations of terror and how the state can help them reintegrate into nonterrorist society.
- March 8, 2018
Associate Professor Margret Grebowicz has a piece on The Atlantic website about the team planning to climb K2 in the Himalayas, also known as the "Savage Mountain."
- March 2, 2018
Baltimore STYLE Magazine featured Goucher College Sociology Professor Jamie Mullaney discussing what to expect in our workplaces and society after the #MeToo movement.
- February 20, 2018
Associate Professor of Religion Ann W. Duncan, who studies religious "nones," who claim no religious affiliation, has published a thought provoking examination of the Sacred Living Movement, a recent spiritual birth movement in the United States.