A Charmed Love: The Baltimore of Sara Haardt and H.L. Mencken, 1923-1935
"My home is and always will be in Baltimore," wrote H.L. Mencken in 1922. The following
year he would meet Goucher College Professor of English Sara Haardt, and the two would
fall in love and marry in Baltimore. They spent 12 years together in the city Mencken
wrote had "superior charm" until Sara's untimely death in 1935. Through the letters
and correspondence of Sara and Henry, as Sara called him, the exhibit illuminates
the relationship between these two writers and the Baltimore they loved. Then and
now photographs record many of the Menckens' favorite Baltimore places. The exhibit
is on display from September 2014 through June 2015 in Special Collections & Archives.
For more information about the exhibit see http://meyerhoff.goucher.edu/library/mencken/.