April 26, 2010

Julia Rogers Prize Ceremony 2010

Winners with Sandy

This year's winners, with Goucher President Sandy Ungar, are left to right:

Graduate category: Michael Owens for "A Totally California Thing: Case Study House No. 8, The Eames House"  Historic Preservation 613. Professor Stuart Mech.

Junior/Senior category: Maxwell Doggett  for "Autobiography as a Means of Empowerment: Leonard Peltier’s Prison Writings: My Life is My Sundance,"  History 400. Professor Julie Jeffrey.

First-Year/Sophomore categoryJackson Gilman-Forlini for "German Musical Society in 19th Century Baltimore and the 1869 Sachse Map," Independent Study, History. Professor Tina Sheller.

President Ungar

not in photo: Mary Wahl, Junior/Senior category, honorable mention: for "A Case Study of the Thai-Burma Border: Migrants, the Sex Industry, and HIV/AIDS," Peace Studies 325. Professor Jennifer Bess.

Left: First/Second Year Prize winner Jackson Gilman-Forlini with Professor Tina Sheller and Librarian Nancy Magnuson. Right: Friends of the Library representative Kenna Forsyth presents Jackson with his prize check.


Junior/Senior Prize winner Maxwell Doggett is happy with his award. Professor Julie Jeffrey and Librarian Nancy Magnuson are also pleased. Right: Friends of the Library representative Kenna Forsyth congratulates Max.


Left: Professor Jennifer Bess and several of the Peace Studies majors accept Mary Wahl's prize for Honorable Mention in the Junior/Senior category. Mary is abroad this semester and could not be present. Right: Provost Marc Roy congratulates the winners.

Left: Graduate Award winner Michael Owens accepts his award from Nancy Magnuson, with Richard Wagner, Director, MA in Historic Preservation, representing Michael's sponsoring Professor Stuart Meck. Right: Michael accepts congratulations from the Friends' Kenna Forsyth.

Enjoying Julia Rogers' birthday cake.