September 22, 2010

Goucher Earthworks to host Jane Goodall discussion

Goucher Earthworks (formerly known as Goucher Climate Action Group) is hosting an open forum discussion on Jane Goodall's life and works prior to her lecture "Gombe and Beyond: The Next 50 Years" taking place on Wednesday, October 13.

As a world-renowned primatologist, conservationist, and animal-welfare activist, Jane Goodall has made an undeniable impact on the way humans study and view animals, especially our closest relatives, the chimpanzees. Her passionate work with communities and youth around the world focuses on human impact on all living things, and how each individual can create postive change and together inspire hope for a better future. In preparation for her visit, we encourage everyone to read one of her books, and come to the discussion to exchange ideas, excitements, and formulate questions to pose after her talk.

The discussion will be held Monday, October 11 at 8:30 pm in Heubeck Lounge. (Tea and Cookies will be provided!) Books are available at the library or can be purchased online through Amazon or other book stores. Her most recent book is Hope for Animals and Their World: How Endangered Species Are Being Rescued From the Brink, but any of her works would be beneficial for the discussion. We welcome anyone to participate in the discussion even if you are not able to read one of her books.

For questions or comments, contact:

Hadley Couraud ( or Tabitha Amendolara (