Jane Austen Scholar Gillian Dow to Speak at Library
The Henry and Alberta Burke '28 Jane Austen Scholar in Residence, Gillian Dow, will present the lecture, "Translating Austen; or When Jane Goes Abroad" on Tuesday, February 7, 2012 at 7:30 pm in Buchner Hall, Alumnae/i House.
Dow will discuss the effect of quintessential "Englishness" on the translation of the iconic author's works into other languages and cultures. As lecturer on English literature at the University of Southampton, Dow has extensively published about Austen and her works. Two of Dow's upcoming projects concern Austen's writings in translation, how the author's language is reconstructed by her translators, and the global reception of her adapted works.
This event, sponsored by the Burke Jane Austen Scholar-in-Residence Program, is free and open to the public, but all attendees must reserve tickets at www.goucher.edu/tickets.
For more information please see the Goucher press release at https://www.goucher.edu/x45377.xml.