Edible Book Fest 2017
Please join us for Goucher College Library's 8th annual Edible Book Fest on Monday, April 3! The fest will take place from 11:30am- 1pm in the library entrance on the 3rd level of the Athenaeum.
There are only 2 rules:
1) All or part of the entry has to be made out of something edible
2) The entry must reference books in some way either through the title, characters,
book cover, etc Anyone can enter and you can bring as many entries as you like! Visitors
to the Edible Book Fest decide by popular vote (voting ends at 12:30 pm and the results
are announced shortly thereafter) the winners of the contest in the following categories:
Funniest, Most Edible, and Most Creative.
Winners get a certificate and bragging rights for a year! Snacks will be provided
and after the winners are announced we eat the entries! Any questions please email