September 28, 2006

Domesday Book on Exhibit


A selection from the facsimile itself, along with  illustrations and other information, is now on display in the library. See it in the display case on the left just in front of the Circulation Desk.

What is the Great Domesday Book?

At Christmas 1085 William the Conqueror commissioned a great survey to discover the resources and taxable values of all the boroughs and manors in England.  He wanted to discover who owned what, how much it was  worth, and how much was owed to him as King.

There is still some debate about the exact purpose of Domesday Book.  One theory suggests that Domesday might be the first written tax document.  However there is no question that it was a massive enterprise, and that the record of the survey, Domesday Book, was a remarkable achievement.

How did Goucher get the Domesday facsimile?

This facsimile edition of the Domesday Book was published in Great Britain on the occasion of the 900th anniversary of the completion of the work, which has been said to rival the Bible and Koran in historical importance. 

Dorothy Stimson, former Goucher dean, acting president, and professor of history, gave this spectacular reproduction of Domesday Book to the Julia Rogers Library.

Media Contact
Nancy Magnuson
College Librarian