Dashboard Definitions

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Goucher Fall Fact Sheets

These dashboards include Goucher’s facts and figures on enrollment, student demographics, major distribution, and degrees granted in a given Fall semester. As a Title IX institution, Goucher is obligated to provide enrolled and prospective students with a list of specific consumer information, such as retention and graduation rates. These dashboards contain certain federally required consumer information. 

Student Profile Trends

These dashboards include a time-series of demographic information, degrees awarded, common majors, and program enrollment.  Users can filter the Student Profile Trends dashboard to examine trends by year, program type, degree-seeking status, term, ethnicity, and full or part-time status.

Student Engagement

This category currently features 2015-2018 results from the annual Graduating Senior Survey.  The survey includes questions related to student life, overall college experience, and measures of student satisfaction.  Interactive filters include year, center, and major.

Cohort Retention and Graduation Rates

These dashboards include a time-series of graduation and retention rates for annual first-time, first-year cohorts by demographic category and financial aid, student athlete, and Maryland Scholar status.  Users can filter the Retention and Graduation Rates dashboards to examine trends by year, population characteristics, ethnicity, and in- or out-of-state status.

Undergraduate Academic Program Review

These dashboards include visualizations of undergraduate degrees awarded, headcount by curriculum, junior persistence by major, and course sections data.  The Degrees Awarded dashboard includes demographic information, major, minor, and concentration and can be examined by year, month, center, or curriculum.  The Undergraduate Headcount by Curriculum dashboard shows headcounts by center and major and is filterable by year, term, degree-seeking status, and full or part-time status.  Junior Persistence by Major shows headcount and percentage of total headcount for junior persistence to fall.  Users can examine the data by year or download it for further analysis.  The final dashboard, Course Sections Data, includes credit hours, course metrics, and enrollment headcount by course.  Users can choose to examine data by academic year, term, center, course prefix, and course level.

Strategic Indicators Matrix

The matrix includes a 5-year trend of measures tied to Goucher’s achievement of strategic goals and institutional priorities. These indicators are categorized into four themes: 1) application, admission, and enrollment, 2) access and diversity, 3) quality and effectiveness, 4) efficiency, revenues, and alumni engagement.

Additional Instructions

To navigate between dashboards, click on the tabs at the top of the screen.  For interactive dashboards, add and remove filter categories by clicking to select or unselect boxes on the right side of the screen. 

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