Student Support Resources
To Our Goucher Community:
We know that things feel a little overwhelming and out of control right now, and over the past two weeks, a lot has changed in the world and in our lives. As we move forward with our semester, we want you to know that we are here to support you. We are one community and we are in this together. This last week, we began creating resources to help you navigate this new college experience, and we will continue to update you with information about these new initiatives as they become available. While we may have moved online, we still have a wealth of services and people available to support you during this transitional period.
To get you started, please see these tips and resources to help you maintain some sense of normalcy and control, and to help you develop a plan for success, both inside and outside the (online) classroom.
Over the course of the next few weeks, Goucher offices will be sharing a variety of resources, covering everything from academics to social engagement. Offices will be running group sessions, supporting virtual majors fairs, and offering one-on-one office hours, just to mention a few of the things in the works. Although classes are online, professors will still have office hours and staff will still be available, as well – so, do not to hesitate to reach out with questions or just to check in. But we also want to hear from you. If you have a specific resource or activity you would like to see offered, feel free to reach out to any of the various resources listed here, and we’ll do our best to make it happen.
Take care,
Bryan Coker, Vice President and Dean of Students
Scott Sibley, Interim Provost