June 10, 2020

Enrollment Update

Dear Goucher Student,

As we indicated yesterday, we are continuing to work hard to build a responsible plan for reopening the campus this fall. As President Devereaux has shared, we are adopting a number of new policies and procedures to promote the safety of our community of students, faculty, and staff.

This email provides updates and lays out some next steps in terms of enrollment.

We recognize that these updates are significant and may affect your decision to return to campus for the 2020-21 academic year, so please read this entire email carefully. You will also be asked to complete some important steps by June 12th. Details are included below.

As President Devereaux has shared, we have adopted a condensed academic schedule for Fall 2020. The semester will begin on Monday, August 24th and will end on Tuesday, November 24th. More details about the residential move-in and move-out dates will be available shortly. We have also modified the class schedule, lengthening course times slightly in response to the condensed schedule.

This fall, the faculty will teach courses in one of four different ways: In-person (IP), Hybrid Flexible or HyFlex (HF), Asynchronous Online (AO), or Synchronous Online (SO). We have attached a document that further describes each modality. Information regarding the delivery model for each individual class is now available in your myGoucher account.

As you consider your plans for fall, we want to share that we have developed a set of safety measures that will guide community behavior in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. These are spelled out in the attached Interim Addendum to the Student Code of Conduct.

Next Steps
We need to know your intended plans for the fall semester by June 12th. Your decision is non-binding, but your feedback will help us better plan for the semester with physical distancing restrictions in mind.

  1. Log into your myGoucher account. You will be able to see the changes to the academic calendar and to the class schedule and the delivery mode for each class.
  2. Complete the Fall 2020 Planning Survey in myGoucher where you will be asked to select one of the following three options:
    1. I plan to remain enrolled at Goucher and attend as many of my courses as possible in person (including any HyFlex courses).
    2. I plan to remain enrolled at Goucher and only participate in my classes remotely via internet connection (including any HyFlex courses).
    3. I plan to take a leave of absence/withdraw from Goucher.
  3. If you answered that you intend to remain enrolled this fall, you will be required to complete the Student Financial Responsibilities Agreement which all students are required to sign each semester.
  4. If you would then like to make any adjustments to your schedule, please first email your pre-major academic advisor (Tina Caretti, Amanda Freeman or Kendyl Walker) if you haven’t declared a major or email the relevant Center faculty if you have so they can advise you:
    • Charlee Sterling (Contemporary & Creative Writing)
    • Kathryn St. Ours (Modern Languages, Literatures, & Cultures)
    • Michael Curry (Center for Dance, Theater, and Music)
    • Martin Shuster (Center for Geographies of Justice)
    • Eric Singer (People, Politics & Markets)
    • Antje Rauwerda (Humanities)
    • Jenny Lenkowski (Natural Sciences)
    • Jill Zimmerman (Data, Math & CS)
    • Frances Ramos-Fontán (Hispanic & Latinx Studies)
    • Ann Marie Longo (Education)
    • David Grossman (Business Management and the Equine Studies minor)
    • Daniel Marcus (Arts & Media)
    • Jen McCabe (Psychology)

Again, the survey is due by June 12th.
If you have questions about any of the above, please respond to this email and we will be back in touch.

Best wishes,

The Student Success Team