e2Campus FAQs

People can text me however I cannot receive a message from e2Campus

There are two types of text messaging:

  1. Mobile Originated (sending a text message from one phone to another)
  2. Mobile Terminated (a non-cellphone to a cell phone)

You may be able to receive Mobile-to-mobile messaging however it appears that mobile terminated messaging is not activated on your account.

How do I sign up for e2Campus alerts?

If you are a student, faculty or staff member please use your Goucher username and password to log in and create an account. If you are a parent of a student and would like to be added, please ask your son or daughter to add your phone number or email address to the account. Users can specify two cell phone numbers and two e-mail addresses.

How do I Opt-Out (remove myself) from receiving e2Campus alerts?

Please log into your account to opt-out for e2Campus alerts for your school. You may opt-out of one particular group or the entire service.

What exactly is e2Campus?

e2Campus is a patent pending universal notification system that allows designated administrators to send time-sensitive messages to the mobile phones, email, and/or pagers of their subscribers (students, faculty, staff, radio stations, TV stations, and others). In the event of an emergency, subscribers can get notified immediately of the situation, wherever they are geographically.

What is a universal notification system?

A universal notification system is defined as a platform to deliver a notification to an entire audience by all means necessary; therefore creating universal coverage to increase the odds that a particular subscriber received the notification in a timely manner.

What is a notification?

A notification is defined as a form of communication that delivers descriptive information about news or an event, unlike a bell or siren that communicates little information.

Do I need to install software and/or hardware in order to have e2Campus?

NO. e2Campus is a 100% web-based software system, so you do not need any additional software or hardware. All you need is a web browser with an Internet connection and you are up and running! You can look at e2Campus as a Campus Safety "Utility"- always on and ready for action.

Will any person receive unsolicited messages ("SPAM") on their mobile phone?

NO. e2Campus prohibits unsolicited messages, and e2Campus does not sell the contact information of our subscribers to third party marketers.