Report an Error

To report an error regarding a OneCard transaction email or contact the Controller's Office.

If you believe your statement or receipt is incorrect or if you need more information about a transfer listed on the statement or receipt, contact the Controller's Office immediately. We must hear from you within 60 days after the statement containing the problem or error was made available to you. Include the following:

  • Name and account number.
  • A description of the error or the transfer in question. Clearly explain why you believe there is in error or why you need more information.
  • The dollar amount of the suspected error.
  • The telephone number where you may be reached during normal business hours.

In addition to notifying us by telephone or in person, we may require a written statement within 10 business days of notification. Once we are notified, the results of our investigation will be available within 10 business days. Any error will be corrected promptly. If additional time is required to resolve the issue, we may take up to 45 calendar days to complete our investigation. If this is the case, we will provisionally credit your account on the tenth business day for the amount in dispute. You will have the use of the money during the time it takes us to complete our investigation. If we request a written description of the problem and it is not received within 10 business days, your account may not be provisionally credited.

If our investigation determines there was no error, you will be sent a written explanation within three business days once the investigation is concluded. You may request copies of the documents that were used in the investigation.