2001-2002 Programs

Annual Meeting
May 9, 2002 2 pm Heubeck Hall

"On the tides of history -- from the Chesapeake Bay to a recovered family villa on the Black Sea."

Jacqueline Waldman, lecturer in chemistry, Goucher College
Lecture by Mary Favret, Burke Austen Scholar in Residence
March 5, 2002 7:30 pm Alumnae and Alumni House

Lecture by Richard Hall, author of Uninvited Guests.
Feb. 2, 2002 1:30 pm Merrick Lecture Hall.

Tour of the Free Library of Philadelphia and the Library of the Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia.
October 31, 2001
A bus trip co-sponsored with the Goucher Club of Baltimore's Alumnae/Alumni Tours Committee.

"What I Did Last Year: The Post-Cold War Role of the Voice of America" October 16, 2001. 2:00 p.m. Alumnae and Alumni House

Sanford J. Ungar, president of Goucher College.
There will be light refreshments following the presentation.