English Literature & Composition
AP 524.200 | Online | Jacqueline Stallworth
This online course is designed to maximize the learner experience, providing relevant AP content and pedagogy through meaningful engagement – all focused on best practices for preparing your AP students for success. It centers on the development of an AP English Literature course that is based on the analysis of a variety of forms of fiction, with a special focus on close-reading skills. The course will begin with an overview of the structure, content, and scoring of the AP English Literature and Composition exam and cover all of the new aspects of the 2020 AP English Literature and Composition class expectations and exam. Teachers will score sample essays with an eye to understanding the moves that matter on timed writings. In addition, teachers will deconstruct one section of a multiple-choice exam to see the skills and habits of mind that are tested. Most of the class will be spent working through a series of skill-building activities that will prompt students to read, write, and think thoughtfully about texts that are complex and ambiguous. Participants will be able to develop and share practical teaching strategies, including approaches that support the equity agenda of the College Board. Teachers should read Ian McEwan’s Atonement before the week starts; we will be working through the novel during the week.

Jacqueline Stallworth
Jacqueline Stallworth is a passionate high school literature teacher. She is an endorsed AP Literature consultant and Reader for The College Board. She is also the founder of Stallworth Educational Consulting Team, a company committed to schools’ curriculum reflecting the diverse world in which we live. She is the writer of the literary blog called “The Big Sea.” In her free time, she loves reading, talking about books, and cycling.