Exhibit DatesCosmic

The exhibit, which is free and open to the public, runs in the Rosenberg Gallery on Goucher's campus from January 24 to March 4, 2012. The art can be viewed Monday through Sunday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

The Rosenberg Gallery program is funded with the assistance of grants from the Maryland State Arts Council, an agency funded by the State of Maryland and the NEA and the Baltimore County Commission on the Arts and Sciences.

Artist Reception

An artist's reception will be held Friday, March 2, 6-8 p.m. Call 410-337-6477 for more information.

About the Exhibit

According to Lynn Rybicki, across the universe and to the furthest reaches of space, you will find life breathing, light living, souls soaring, and colors roaring. This cosmic dance creates a spring of feeling, an ocean of emotion that she hopes to express in her work.

Rybicki uses bright, clear colors to awaken the spirit and lead it toward bliss and abstract images to convey the more cosmic side of life. She often begins her paintings with bold gestures and broad strokes of acrylic paint applied in washes. These fade and bleed into others, dripping down the canvas. As the washes dry, shapes and tones reveal themselves, suggesting directions for the piece. Rybicki responds to the painting's suggestions, but avoids objects and narratives of everyday life, instead focusing on abstracted landscapes and natural forms. She believes the landscape is the holy sanctuary of the earth-wild, free, and elemental, much like the nature of man.

In Cosmic Manifesto, Rybicki hopes to persuade viewers to think about depth and consider what may lie beneath the surface of life.

 View the exhibit's catalogue